Intuitive Eating for Diabetes:
The No Shame, No Blame, Non-Diet Approach to Managing Your Blood Sugar
“This book is a breath of fresh air for people with diabetes who have been bound to restrictive, one-size-fits-all approaches to food. Dada’s perspective – based on the latest empirical research and two decades of clinical experience – is accessible, personalized, and comprehensive. She masterfully demystifies diabetes management, explaining everything from understanding your diagnosis to interpreting labs to self-advocacy with healthcare providers. This is an essential, one-of-a-kind resource!”
Local Bookstores: Laguna Beach Books | Lido Village Books
A revolutionary, anti-diet approach to whole-body health. Tune into your body’s natural intuition and get the upper hand on your diabetes!
Are you one of the millions dealing with diabetes? If so, you’re probably all too familiar with the medical establishment badgering you to lose weight. But did you know evidence now shows that approaches focusing solely on weight loss are at best unhelpful and at worst, harmful? These popular weight-based strategies have been found to increase food and body obsession, weight-cycling, low self-esteem, and disordered eating, to name a few. If you’re tired of weight-focused methods that leave you feeling miserable, maybe it’s time for a new, revolutionary approach to whole-body health that’s rooted in self-compassion.
This groundbreaking guide outlines the principles of Intuitive Eating—an effective, evidence-based, anti-diet approach to nutrition—to help you manage your blood sugar levels without restriction. You’ll learn about the root causes of diabetes, how to listen to your body for natural cues of hunger and fullness, and how to develop a more nourishing (and sustainable) relationship with food. You’ll also discover why dieting doesn’t work, and finally break free from the cycle of shame, self-blame, and more weight gain.
If you’re ready to let go of the mainstream diet-culture idea that weight loss alone is essential to managing blood sugar, it’s time to embrace the science and effectiveness of intuitive eating.
“As an internist who specializes in eating disorders, I read Janice Dada’s book with joy. It is practical, compassionate, scientifically-sound, and beautifully-presented, with case presentations that make her teachings come to life. I will be recommending this regularly to my patients, because THIS is what the standard of care should be!”