Carrots are NOT high in Sugar
Q & A: Why do I feel out of control around food? ⠀
Body Diversity is the RULE, not the EXCEPTION
Q & A: "My kid loves sugar! What should I do?"
Why'd the lunchbox come home full?
Child NutritionJanice Dadakids nutrition, pediatric nutrition, pediatrics, nutritionist, nutrition blog, registered dietitian, orange county dietitian, lunchbox, feeding kids, packing lunch
Q & A: Should I make my child eat all of the foods on his plate before getting seconds of another food? ⠀
Mindful Eating
Eating vs Feeding
Negative body image and rejection of diet culture are NOT mutually exclusive
Intuitive Eating (IE) is for EVERYONE
Podcast Interview - Mom Genes
Orthorexia Webinar
Eating DisordersJanice Dadaorthorexia, disordered eating, eating disorders, eating disorder prevention, healthy eating, health at every size, HAES, registered dietitian, registered dietitian newport beach, registered dietitian orange county, webinar, today's dietitian
Holiday Eating
Baby's First Foods Workshop
Halloween Pro Tip: Stay Calm and Let Kids Be Kids. ⠀
Positive Mealtime Language Hacks for Parents/Caregivers
It's Not a Kid's Job to Manage Their Nutrient Intake
Signs You're Undereating
Clothes Don't Fit? Blame the Clothes, Not Your Body.
Weight Stigma
Eating DisordersJanice Dadaweight stigma, eating disorders, eating disorder prevention, NEDA, National Eating Disorders Association, discrimination, fat phobia, nutrition counseling, registered dietitian, HAES